Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mom's Reflection

You show me

Who I sometimes think I am

But I don't want to see

Don't want to believe this scam

But I do see

My mother in me

But who am I?

And is/was she?

And where is she?

If I look into you

Will you show me where she's dawned?

Where she’s gone to?

Put your twin behind me

Will I see on and on into infinity?

Is she looking after me through you

From some other world?

Are you a glass-eyed portal?

Or is my head in a whirl?

I was a little boy

She was once a little girl

It's been more than 30 years

Since that changing form disappeared

If I stare into you long enough

Will I find her here?

The mom in me

The me in mom

Tell me who's been good and bad?

Who's coming over

and who’s long gone?

Tell me who is happy and sad

Tell me where are you going to Dad?

Eighty-six years towards your body's demise

As your memories fade

Into those glassy eyes

Trying to grasp those bygone days

Old age is not the prize

Nor is it in that can of beer

You, hanging on the wall

Rotund face

And never lying

Will you be all I have

To remind me how

Everything that deludes me

Is slowly dying?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Peter Lorre's On the Telephone

Fat overstuffed pillows kept me up all night
My legs have been hurting but I don't know the cause
I whine while poor animals have no basic rights
Suffering untold grief on the factory farms

How can someone ignore another's pain
And wield their ogre might to rule
In the name of profit and winning the game
I can't fathom how people can be so cruel

As I try to recapture my idealistic youth
I'll settle for some peace in my middle age
My contradictions have got me feeling uncouth
As I look for comfort on this flimsy stage

I think I could use a good massage
Gradually work my tissues back into place
Or a stress free week at Hodge Podge Lodge
Paint serenity all over my face

So many concerns, so many things to do
Trying to work it out and calm the storm
This crisis management I put me through
Has got me whacked way off the norm

Gonna get it together and work it all out
They say charity begins at home
I have to help myself before I help others out
But I got Peter Lorry on the telephone

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Listening To Wings

Listening to Wings while walking through the ghetto
Smiling at everyone I see
I think everyone wants to know what I’m listening to
That’s why they’re following me

There’s a big rapper dude
Who doesn’t want to be rude
So he’s hiding inside the alley
If he steps into the light I think I just might
Turn him on to some Paul McCartney

You know Mr. John Lennon was a little bit wrong
When he complained about silly loves songs
Soldier boys kissing girls in a tragic world
Makes me think about where the good times have gone

These children of poor men I think could appreciate
The way the Liverpool boy can sing
Even though he’s worth mutli-billion dollars
He sang his way out of a strugglin’ economy

Listening to Wings was always one my things
Ever since I was a little pup
With a voice like magic
Makes the world seem less tragic
Like I’m sailing in a China cup

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Chevy Chase's Aging Face

I took a slow jog on a fast track
I shut off the lights and saw the ghost of Robert Stack
He gave me a clue about an unsolved mystery
I would have taken notes but it was kind of hard to see

I took a scary drive over a rickety bridge
I didn't look down and drove faster than Riva Ridge
I always wondered how it would feel to fall
I know I never want to experience that kind of catastrophe at all

I took an air plane flight and was scared only on take off
I read the Bhagavad-gita until we finally leveled off
I ordered a ginger ale from the shining young girl
Who asked me what I wanted in a wicked floating world

After a long day, I stretched out in my room
In the morning came the maid with her humming electric broom
I told her i didn't need her so she sadly went away
But came back with some fresh clean towels anyway

I turned the a.c. on, I shut the a.c. off
I didn't feel sick so I felt no need to cough
I dropped an Airborn tablet in a cup and watched it fizz
I fired up the internet and got ready for my next quiz

I hit the red hot road for for another crazy run
I thought back to the days when I was strong, wild and young
Perhaps I could go back but the time was running short
I saw Chevy Chase's aging face and I punched it just for spor