Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Peter Lorre's On the Telephone

Fat overstuffed pillows kept me up all night
My legs have been hurting but I don't know the cause
I whine while poor animals have no basic rights
Suffering untold grief on the factory farms

How can someone ignore another's pain
And wield their ogre might to rule
In the name of profit and winning the game
I can't fathom how people can be so cruel

As I try to recapture my idealistic youth
I'll settle for some peace in my middle age
My contradictions have got me feeling uncouth
As I look for comfort on this flimsy stage

I think I could use a good massage
Gradually work my tissues back into place
Or a stress free week at Hodge Podge Lodge
Paint serenity all over my face

So many concerns, so many things to do
Trying to work it out and calm the storm
This crisis management I put me through
Has got me whacked way off the norm

Gonna get it together and work it all out
They say charity begins at home
I have to help myself before I help others out
But I got Peter Lorry on the telephone